But, for all that, they were, in one sense, the truest and most substantial things which the poor minister now dealt with. 然而,尽管如此,在一种意义上,它们又都是这可怜的牧师所应付的最真实又最具体的东西。
Q. Is there unease at some American museums with substantial Asian collections that one day they may have to return some of their favorite things to China? 问:那么对于一些收藏了大量亚洲藏品的美国博物馆来说,他们有没有感到一丝不安?即某天他们可能要把一些他们最珍爱的藏品归还给中国呢?
The substantial claim that we do not know certain things. 有些实体论断的确是我们无法确定的。
This one does, but still there's at least a substantial number of these things tabulated. 这一个则需要,但仍然有至少,是大量的数据列表。
Can prophesy, IEEE will bring more substantial things to people. 可以预言,IEEE将给人们带来更多更实惠的东西。